TeleRein C IT is the Invaluable Tool for Riders which tells them how much Contact they are putting on their horse's mouth
About TeleRein C IT
TeleRein travels in a firm foam filled case. The transmitter attaches at the poll to the horse’s bridle by strong Velcro bands. Strain gauges are fitted between the horse's bit and the rider's reins.
TeleRein C IT
A Micro USB Charger is included. All you will need to provide for Downloading is your Card Reader and a Memory SD card.
Further Information
TeleRein C IT is the invaluable rider’s Tool, which tells them how much Contact they are having on the horse's mouth. By two lights, one for each rein, at the horse’s poll, a range of colours will display the pressure. On a scale from 0 grams to 4kg, it shows how much pressure is on the horse's mouth. A rider can discover for themselves:
• Is my Contact on my horse's mouth unsteady, one-sided, heavy or just right?
• Do I have good, sensitive hands, or are they too hard?
• Should I worry about how much pressure I have on my reins?
• TeleRein will show you when a horse is not “through”, because the lights will only show purple.
Lovely Hand Position
TeleRein C IT

The TeleRein C IT price is NZ $990.00,
plus courier postage and GST in New Zealand.
We Ship Worldwide!
Request an Order FormBenefits
• The International Scale of Training starts with Rhythm and Relaxation, Suppleness and Contact. TeleRein C IT will be a tremendous help in developing your awareness of how to use the lightest Contact to raise the standard of your horse’s work.
• When you can improve the sensitivity and lightness of your Contact you will be able to work towards better Straightening of your horse.
• Since the C IT is placed between your horse’s ears, you will need to hold your own head up in order to read it, thus improving your balance and over-all position.
• Should your horse’s head be over-bent, you will lose sight of the C IT, which should be a useful incentive to keep him in a more correct outline.

Fitting telerein c it
The very light TeleRein transmitter attaches to the headpiece of the horse's bridle by strong Velcro straps.
The side cables are secured to the bridle cheek pieces by small strips of Velcro and these cables attach by clips or straps to the bit. The rider's reins fasten to the rings on the back of the sensors.
Recording C IT information
A memory card inserted in the transmitter can record a session, which can then be downloaded to a computer. If you plan to record and download a ride, you will need a memory card and a card reader - not provided. A memory card and card reader is obtainable at any Stationery Warehouse or other Computer stores. See our user guides for more information.

showing the velcro bands
Close-up of TeleRein C IT showing the Velcro bands attaching the cable securely to the bridle.
It is important to use these bands at all times, to prevent any damage to the cable.
Please treat this equipment with care.
TeleRein C IT Featured on BBC Click
TeleRein C IT has been filmed by BBC TV for BBC Click. The Episode, at SRUC University in Scotland is called 3D Bones and is on World News. The lecturer says she thinks it is fantastic, easy to use, accurate and useful for lots of riders.
Customer Testimonials
Our customer testimonials have been received for the original TeleRein device. Exactly the same system is used in both, just whoever receives the information changes from Coach to Rider.
"Your TeleRein is a fabulous idea! I have talked about my wish for something like this for years. Congratulations.”
Lendon Gray - Director Dressage 4 kids. USA
“Overall there has been a better use of the rider’s leg when they have addressed the contact problem. We have had a lot of fun trying out the TeleRein and we have seen some excellent results.
Tony Cosgrave - Head of Equestrian, Nga Tawa Girls School, Marton, North Island
“It is a very useful device, a very important tool for coaches, particularly in the light of research which shows that even judges cannot detect minor differences in lightness, that may in fact have a major influence on the way a horse goes.”